No matter what sort of internet capable device you are using you are going to experience spam. You don't want to be busily working away on your laptop or PDA and dealing with spam. For this reason it is important to get a good quality spam filter.
I have tried several different types of spam filters for my mobile devices. Some of them work great and some of them not so good. Many of the free spam filters that come with service subscription are not very precise. These often let stuff you don't want slip through and filter things you do want. When using the internet for business this can be an incredible pain. Preventing spam through firewalls and good internet security can help the problem a great deal.
Pay for purchase filters like those provided by companies like Bullguard are pretty great. These systems are typically a part of a larger internet security operation to help stop spam before it ever gets to the filter. This is a great alternative to the free spam filters provided by internet service provider and email providers.
Of course if all you can afford right now is your free spam filter there are things you can do to make it work better for you:
Always check your spam folder to see what is there.
Regularly make corrections, when something is in the wrong folder.
Always add new contacts to your address book to ensure their mail arrives in the right place.
September 28th, 2010 at 8:47 pm
Great work!!!!!!!!