Cellphones are a bit hit among the kids. Nowadays you see cellphones in hands of almost every kid. In order to cash in on the craze of gadgets among youngsters, clothing companies have been launching kids clothing with images of cellphones on them. So you will come across tops and t-shirts with images of latest gadgets on them. They are hugely popular among youngsters who prefer wearing their favorite cellphone on their chest.
This has meant indirect marketing for mobile companies and helped in picking up their sales. Realizing this, now cellphone companies are especially tying up with clothing companies for printing the images of their gadgets on their clothing lines. Besides marketing for cellphone companies, it has also meant a new source of revenue for clothing companies.
Cellphones companies have definitely picked up an inexpensive technique for marketing of their products and reach one their major target customers, the kids.
August 18th, 2010 at 2:13 am