Finding Wedding Favors With You Cell Phone

Shop while yuo're stopped?
© richardmasoner

One of the nice things about having any kind of smart phone that gives you Internet access is that you can shop almost anytime.

Let me define shopping. First there's just plain buying stuff online. Whether it's eBay or Amazon, Wal-Mart or Target you can sit in your car at red lights and buy your sister's next birthday present. You can also locate stores and products that you may want to drive to. You know, the type of shopping where you go in a store and pay for stuff with cash (or a check). Girls call it retail therapy But you have to know which store to go to, and sometimes Internet access on your cell phone is how you find that.

A friend of my was planning a wedding recently. She asked me for some help. I was sitting in traffic going nowhere at rush hour later that afternoon. I was surprised at how easy it was to find simple Wedding Favors using my cell phone. It's nice to be able to make good use of that time – time that otherwise would simply be wasted.

| November 25th, 2009 | Posted in Information About, Mobile Internet |

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