
Pay Bills and Deposit Paper Checks via Camera Phone

Image analytics and pattern recognition software firm Mitek Systems is all geared up to take mobile banking to the next level with its ImageNet Mobile Deposit – the first mobile phone banking softwar…


Mobile Technology Shaping the Future of Retail Industry

Mobile technology has become so powerful that it has a dramatic impact even on the future of global retailing. In the latest National Retail Federation's (NRF) annual convention in New York, reta…


Buy Your Fufu Coffee Drink From Your iPhone

From the why are they patenting this department, Jeff Goldman at Wireless Weblog reports that Apple filed a patent application related to ordering from a cafe from your mobile phone, potentially befor…


London to Start M-Payment Trial

Following the success of its contactless communication system, Barclaycard OnePulse has teamed up with Nokia to test the practicality of mobile payment in London.

Early next year, barclaycard custom…


Mobile Payments Market to Reach $11.5 B by 2011

As what may be a preview of the bright future of mobile commerce in general, the latest study of Juniper Research shows that about 52 million people will adopt mobile payment methods like NFC (Near Fi…


Western Union to Launch Global Mobile Money Transfer Service

Riding the recent developments on mobile payment system, Western Union is taking its business mobile with its new partnership with GSM World to develop a global mobile money transfer service. The sche…


Mobile Banking Opportunity: U.S. Consumers Obsessed With Bank Balances

Security risks and low awareness level remain the biggest hurdles for mobile banking to gain mainstream acceptance.

A new survey says that American consumers are quite obsessed with their finances c…


Verizon Wireless Makes Mobile Banking Easier

Verizon Wireless has redesigned its Mobile Web 2.0 service to enable easier access to mobile Bank of America, the leader in online banking. It simply means:Customers are able to check account balances…


Good News for M-Commerce: 3 out of 4 consumers prefer self-service

Time might be the best ally of mobile commerce. In a new survey among 633 Americans and Canadians, 77% of consumers prefer to do business with companies offering self-service and almost all (92%) beli…


M-Payment Future Looks Bright

With the recent announcement of Verizon Wireless about its partnership with Obopay, analysts are seeing a bright future for mobile payments and for mobile commerce as a whole. Even research firm Strat…